An Opportunity to Say THANKS: Katie’s Story, Part Twenty-Three


In my  November 18th post:  The Plan, Katie’s Story Part Six, I recounted that when Sam decided to pursue the idea of bringing Katie home I e-mailed the social services director at Aging with the request that she facilitate the agency process.  She told me that she was retiring in a few months, and that the nurse (who I really wanted to do the assessment) was leaving the agency in a couple of weeks, but that she would do what she could to help.  Because she followed through with her commitment and got the ball rolling at the agency, everything fell into place as I have reported throughout Katie’s Story.

I recently invited this lady to join me for a visit to see Katie.  I wanted her to be able to witness how “The Plan” was working (which none of us expected to come to fruition) and how her efforts contributed to the dramatic improvement in Katie’s living condition and outlook on life.  She was duly impressed.

I’m betting that what she saw will be a highlight for her whenever she thinks about those last days winding up her career.

At the top of my TO DO list I have added:

Thank All

On Katie’s Team

Mundane is Magic: Katie’s Story, Part Twenty-Two

It’s been a cold snowy winter, but…

Change is in the air and

spring is just around the corner.


Sam took Katie to church.

Sam took Katie for a walk outdoors.

Judene and I took Katie out to sit on the deck.

A couple of neighbors stopped by.

Does this all sound:

Commonplace or

ordinary or

routine or


Well, maybe so…but in this case it is:

Exceptional and

extraordinary and

unusual and


Mundane Magic